Testing pyRobinhood

We take testing and coverage seriously. You depend on Robinhood to execute orders on a valuable account, and you should trust your API/interface just as much.

Schema Tests

pyRobinhood is designed to let the REST lead, and return the results as directly as possible. To monitor what is actually returned, test_schema.py exercizes Robinhood’s REST endpoints directly.

There are two key problems our schema tests cover:

  1. API endpoints remain consistent
  2. Give a doc/seed for mock tests

New to JsonSchema?

Skipped Endpoints

  • /subscription/subscription_fees/
  • /subscription/subscriptions/
  • /cash_journal/margin_interest_charges/
  • /margin/upgrades/
  • /password_reset/request/
  • /password_change/
  • /wire/relationships/
  • /ach/queued_deposit/
  • /wire/transfers/
  • /settings/notifications/


Though live Robinhood tests would be best, Robinhood account credentials are extremely valuable.

We do not test authorized feeds in CI, and opt for mocks as much as possible to exercize code. Any live-tests that require authorization should be marked with @pytest.mark.auth.

To test authorized feeds:

cp tests/test_options.cfg tests/test_options_local.cfg
# fill out #SECRETS
python setup.py test